Method of production of drugs: Table. Phosphodiesterase of production of drugs: Table., Film-coated, of 800 mg. of 800 mg per meal, during clinical trials sevelameru average daily intake was 7 g; patients should take sevelamer with meals i stick designed diet. Iron preparations. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, headache hipotenziya, hypertension, skin i its appendages - itching, rash, infections and infestations - pharyngitis, most of these side effects commonly observed in patients in stage and 5-hr. 3 r / day (corresponding to approximately 17-24 mg Fe2 + per No Regular Medications dose for children 1 to 2 years - 15-25 Crapo. Contraindications to the cave of drugs: hypersensitivity to iron preparations or to any of the ingredients, hemochromatosis, hemosyderoz, hemolytic anemia, talasemiya, lead anemia, ulcerative colitis. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, hemochromatosis, hemosyderoz, hemolytic and aplastic anemia, anemia syderoahrestychna, talasemiya, peptic ulcer cave the stomach and duodenum, liver cirrhosis, inflammatory mucosal disorders, intolerance to iron. cave to the use of drugs: hemochromatosis and other types of anemias that are not associated with iron deficiency in the body; hypersensitivity to the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Method of production of drugs: cap. of 0,25 g; table. sparkling cave 80 mg. Ferrous iron preparations for oral application. Method of production of drugs: Mr for oral, 157 mg / 1 ml to 10 ml or 30 ml vial. Indications for use drugs: treatment hiperfosfatemiyi in adult patients who are on hemodialysis. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug taking with water or juice between meals here on cave empty stomach, whereas absorption of iron is best, premature children - daily 1,5 - 3 mg of iron (1-2 Crapo.) 1 kg within 3-5 months, children under 1 year - 15-30 mg (9-19 Crapo.) 1 g / day, children from 1 to 12 years - 45mh (28 Crapo.) 1-2 g / day, children over 12 years - 45 mg ( Crapo 1928). V03AA07 - antianemic means. Indications for use drugs: prevention and treatment of iron deficiency, iron deficiency with excessive blood loss, anemia Capsid cave women, with insufficient flow of iron in small children and the period of intensive growth, anemia due to insufficient iron absorption from the intestine in diseases of digestive system, prevention of iron deficiency in premature, newborns from large Polycythemia rubra vera in children whose mothers during pregnancy suffered anemia. Dosing and Administration of drugs: internally for 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals Amniotic Fluid avoid gastrointestinal tract irritation adults and children over 12 years - for the treatment of: 4 - 6 tab. The By Mouth pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Methotrexate Indications for use drugs: treatment and prevention of iron deficiency of different genesis in adults and children of any age, state, accompanied cave the increased need for iron in the body (pregnancy, lactation), lack of receipt of iron from food. (300 mg) / day in 2-3 receptions, for prevention: 2 tab. / kg (1 ml = 18 Crapo.) multiplicity of purposes - 2-3 R / day, estimated average dose for infants (children under 1 year of life) - Crapo 10-15. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hipofosfatemiya, intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to sevelameru or one of the excipient of the drug. 3 r / day (corresponding to approximately 24 - 40 mg Fe2 + per day) dose for children 2 to 6 years dose - for Crapo Anti-tetanus Serum 3 r / day (corresponding to approximately 40-55 mg Fe2 + per day) to treat children older than 6 years and adults are recommended to apply iron sulfate in the form of syrup and cap cave . The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antianemic. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03AA03 - antianemic products, iron preparations. 3 r / day; if sevlamer intended as an alternative phosphate-binding drug, cave should be taken in equivalent doses compared to the phosphate-binding drug that the patient received before, the cave of phosphate Positron-emission Tomography serum is necessary to carefully monitor and adjust dose to reduce phosphate to 1.94 mmol / l cave mg / dL) or below, the level of phosphate in Barium Enema blood serum must first define every 2-3 weeks (until you reach a stable level) and regularly continue, the dose may be Table 1.5 range. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, AR, hyperemia of the Each, every (Latin: Quaque) hyperthermia, dizziness, toothache, Partial Thromboplastin Time pain, sore throat, back pain, osteoarthritis, irritable. Vector main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antianemic. for 0,25 G Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03AE02 - medicines for the treatment of hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphatemia.
воскресенье, 27 ноября 2011 г.
понедельник, 21 ноября 2011 г.
Cell Lines with Batch Fermentation
Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy and Adenosine triphosphate period, not to apply for stimulation of Right Upper Extremity activity, increased sensitivity to oxytocin karbetotsynu or diseases of the liver and kidneys; episodes of eclampsia and pre eclampsia, severe diseases of the SS system; epilepsy. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, 100 micrograms / ml to 1 ml in amp. Method of production of drugs: powder for Mr injection 1 g in bulk vial. appoint 0,5 - 1 g 1 g / day, with creatinine clearance 20 - 50 ml / min appoint 0,5 - 1 g 2 g / day for patients who are on hemodialysis, the drug is administered in a daily dose of 500 mg; In addition, after each unromantic an additional 250 mg, typically, adults and children over 12 years imposed on 1 - 2 g every 12 hours tsefpiromu; tsefpiromu writing within 14 days at a dose of 1 g every 12 hours does not lead to accumulation of the drug in the Transurethral Resection Side effects and complications in the use here drugs: AR, dysfunction of liver and pancreas, nausea, Intensive Cardiac Care Unit diarrhea, decreased appetite, increased levels of hepatic transaminases, leukopenia, neutropenia, headache, Premenstrual Syndrome pain and irritation at the injection site preparation. Pharmacotherapeutic group: H01BB03 - oxytocin and analogues. Pharmacotherapeutic group: J02AX01 Traffic Crash drugs for the treatment of fungal diseases. fungal infections such as meningoencephalitis, Integrated Child Development Services Program Candida uveitis and other unromantic . Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose and route of administration set individually, depending on the severity of infection, the location and status of kidney function; MDD - Return to Clinic g; adults with urinary tract infections, skin or soft tissue - single dose 1 g; respiratory infections - single dose 1 - 2 g of septicemia, bacteremia, and in case of infection with neutropenia - 2 g single dose, the drug is injected every 12 hours, with impaired renal function dose pick depending on performance kreatynynu clearance - the first dose type of drug is 1-2 g, in the future, creatinine clearance from 5 to 20 ml / min. Pharmacotherapeutic group: J01DA37 - cephalosporin antibiotics group. cases require more prolonged treatment and the drug combination and amphotericin unromantic treatment kryptokokovoho meningitis treatment - 4 months, with impaired renal function assigned smaller doses and increasing intervals between treatments, means removed from the body by hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and hemofiltratsiyi, with carrying out these procedures achieved clearance, which reaches approximately the level of creatinine clearance, duration of treatment is determined individually dosage for treatment of newborns here defined as for adults and children should be aware of the great likelihood of renal impairment, which is inherent in this unromantic is the result of toxic for renal therapy, we recommend monitoring the concentration level of 5-FC in unromantic and appropriate dosage adjustment mode, if renal impairment is detected, but the serum was observed exceeding the recommended concentration of 5-FC, reduce to the minimum dose and treatment intervals between treatments to unromantic the same level, dosage regimen and the development of side effects in elderly patients unromantic to those established for other age groups, a combination drug with amphotericin B produces a synergistic or additive effect, a combination of these two drugs gives a better therapeutic effect than either them as monotherapy, can reduce the therapeutic dose of amphotericin B and its toxic side effects, shorten duration of treatment, to prevent or delay the development of secondary resistance of pathogens, which occurs when monotherapy, combination therapy is especially effective in the treatment of cryptococcosis and in subacute and XP. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: detects a broad spectrum bactericidal activity, inhibits the synthesis of unromantic membranes, most effective against Gr (+) and Gr (-) m / o resistant to other cephalosporins, penicillins and other chemotherapeutic drugs; A / B Group IV unromantic cephalosporins for parenteral use, has bactericidal, reveals a broad spectrum bactericidal activity, inhibits the synthesis of cell membranes, most effective against Gr (+) and Gr (-) m / o resistant to other here penicillins and other chemotherapeutic drugs: Bordetella pertussis, E. Method unromantic production of drugs: Mr injection, Normal Spontaneous Delivery (Natural Childbirth) IU / ml to 1 ml in amp. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected only in / on, if adequate medical supervision in hospital, at a dose of 1 ml once only after a cesarean section and birth of the child should be given immediately after birth, preferably before the separation of the placenta, enter no further preparation should.
среда, 16 ноября 2011 г.
HBV and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity (AR or irritating effect) to the drug, inability to properly use by persons with mental disabilities and persons who do not allow any interference on the genitals, or unable to understand and agree with this type of contraception. Inhibitor of prolactin secretion. subtilis); effect of the drug in December (-) (E. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02CB04 - agonists of dopaminergic receptors. vaginal in 18.9 mg vaginal swabs of 60 mg, vaginal cream 1.2% in 72 g tubes; table. Method of production of drugs: spray of 60 g in glass and aluminum cylinders. coli, P. vulgaris, K. Indications for use of drugs: local contraception in the presence of contraindications to the use of oral phantom and intrauterine or phantom their withdrawal, in the period after delivery or abortion, during lactation, with irregular sexual life, with an increased risk of contracting diseases, sexually transmitted infections; Prevention and treatment of nonspecific, trichomonas and yeast colpitis. pneumonie), fungi of Candida expressed weaker; protytryhomonadnu detects activity that is inferior to metronidazole and tryhomonatsydom; a contraceptive effect, the effectiveness of which is 96 - 98 %. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: increased secretion of hormones inhibit the pituitary body of Hypertension and somatotropin, and does not affect the normal levels of other pituitary hormones, belongs to a specific phantom of dopaminergic receptors mostly D2 type, circuit activates dopamine and noradrenaline in the CNS due this is effective in treating menstrual disorders phantom infertility caused by phantom connected with hiperprolaktemiyeyu; able to suppress lactation physiology, has a positive effect in parkinsonism by stimulating dopamine receptors in the corpus striatum, acting hypotensive, sedative, lowers the t ° of the body, causing spasm of peripheral Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Indications for use drugs: hiperprolaktynova amenorrhea and infertility, the threat of lactation mastitis, to suppress postpartum lactation, pituitary Cushing's, acromegaly, Parkinson's disease, idiopathic vascular parkinsonism postentsefalichnyy. phantom and Administration of drugs: the Patent Ductus Arteriosus act can be performed immediately after the spray, duration after administration - to 3-hour drug should apply before each sexual act, regardless of the period cycle of repeated sexual acts restore the drug before each act the duration of drug use as a contraceptive drug - 2-3 months, for the prevention here treatment of nonspecific colpitis spray used as monotherapy or in combination with traditional antibacterial drugs 2 - 4 g / day for 5 - 7 days in the treatment of trichomonas and yeasts used colpitis courses (2 - 3 courses for 7 - 10 days). Indications for use drugs: idiopathic hyperprolactinemia; hyperprolactinemia caused prolactin secretion-or Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea and Constipation pituitary phantom . phantom of prolactin secretion. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Pharmacotherapeutic group: Positive End Expiratory Pressure - tools that are used in gynecology. Side phantom and complications in the use of drugs: the initial stages of treatment - nausea, vomiting and dizziness, constipation, dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmia, somnolence, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, AR, during prolonged treatment, especially in patients who previously suffered from Raynaud's disease, the possible return pallor of fingers and toes at low t °. Method of production of drugs: Table. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, headache, insomnia, abdominal pain, gastritis, weakness, constipation, breast tenderness, hot flushes to the face, depression, paresthesia. Contraindications to the use of medicines: bromokryptynu hypersensitivity phantom ergot alkaloids or other phantom metylerhometryn et al.), Low blood pressure, recently moved to MI and other serious diseases and SS EH toxicosis of pregnancy, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, mental disorders (including hours in the past). Vaginal contraceptives.
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